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Embark on a Spiritual Journey with Triumph: The Psalms of Ascent

At Triumph Church, we are thrilled to invite you on a transformative spiritual journey called “Ascend.” Over the next 5-6 weeks, each campus of the Triumph Church community will come together to explore and reflect on the Psalms of Ascent—a collection of 15 sacred hymns found in the Bible, spanning Psalms 120 through 134. This journey will occur at our Beaumont, Nederland, and Sugar Land campuses.

In ancient times, the Israelites undertook a significant pilgrimage to Jerusalem three times a year. These journeys were not merely physical travels but spiritual ascensions. As they approached the holy city and climbed the hill to the temple, they would recite or sing these psalms to prepare their hearts and minds for worship. These psalms reflect a profound faith journey, from seeking God’s intervention to celebrating His blessings.

Our modern-day pilgrimage, though different in form, aims to capture the essence of this ancient practice. Over the coming weeks, we’ll delve into these powerful psalms, exploring their relevance and inspiration for our spiritual lives. Each week, we’ll focus on a different psalm, drawing insights and encouragement as we navigate our personal and communal journeys.

The culmination of our “Ascend” series will be a series of weekend services where we gather as a church to worship God together. This series is not just a series of sermons but a collective ascent in faith and unity, mirroring the ancient practice of the Israelites as they journeyed to the temple.

Our series starts September 8th with our Nederland and Sugar Land campuses, while our Beaumont campus will join the journey next week. Each week will bring fresh insights and inspiration, guiding us through the spiritual highs and lows reflected in the Psalms of Ascent.

Stay tuned for more details and join us as we embark on this pilgrimage. Let’s journey together in faith and worship as we ascend toward a deeper relationship with God.

Welcome to Ascend—let’s climb this spiritual mountain together!