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Fresh Fire Women's
Conference 2023

by Randy and Renee' Clark Ministries

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October 13th - October 14th.
In Person & Online
Triumph Church Beaumont
10255 Eastex Fwy Beaumont, TX 77708
Women’s Conference
pwople worshipping

Fresh Fire Women’s Conference


Ignite Your

Soul with the

Flames of


Ignite Your Soul with the Flames of Transformation

What you'll get at
Fresh Fire 2023

Encounter God

Fresh Fire is a meeting with God and a time for you to encounter His Presence! It is a time to reconnect with the One who knows us best and experience His love and power in a refreshing downpour! You will not only hear what He is saying to the Body of Christ, but also to you personally. So... get ready to Encounter God!

people worshipping

Reset your story

God can and certainly does miraculously move our lives from ashes to beauty. Yet, there are times we need to just get a RESET! As you spend time in His Presence, hear His Word and receive powerful ministry, you will see yourself as God sees you. You will be re-energized, re-invigorated, and reset to grab hold of who God has destined you to be... then go be it.

people worshipping

Let's do it TOGETHER

Although, you may feel alone, God’s will is that you do not walk alone. We were meant to do this thing TOGETHER! Sometimes it takes others to help us get back into the game. We are intentionally creating ways for you to reconnect with not only yourself, but with others who can help you with whatever challenges you face, and strengthen you to embrace what God is doing NOW in this new season!

woman holding little girls head

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Yay, Jesus!

renee speaking


A note from
renee’ clark

Let’s face it – this past season has been difficult! However, God is faithful and His Promises are sure. I believe that Fresh Fire is a God-appointed meeting that will help you move your life forward with confidence. I believe that God will empower you with Fresh anointing and the Fire of His Spirit will illuminate your path. I believe Grace and Peace will come upon you in extraordinary measures! Signs and wonders will follow you. So, Fresh Fire... here we come!

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